Alco's World

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Have you ever wished you hade more time on your hands?

For example, time to go through videos in Google Video and YouTube, but don't have to go through 10 videos to realize that onle one of those was worthy. Well, fear not, because there's "The Best of Google Video Project". Just sit back and relax, because these people have taken the time to select only those videos that are worth your time. There are quite a few, so go home, get a beer, a cup of tea, wine, or open a small packet of Crystal Light and pour it into a bottle of water....whatever, because the show is about to start.

The Best of Google Video Project

Even aliens prefer Firefox. I bet you haven't even tried it.

Full story Here. And of course, get Firefox Here.

Monday, August 14, 2006

If the Starship Enterprise (Star Trek) ran Windows

Ever wondered what'll happen if the Starship Enterprise ran Windows? See for yourself Here

AIDS virus hides out in "accomplice" cells

I knew it! Dude, it's all a conspiracy. It turns out that the AIDS virus has an accomplice that helps it infect the immune system cells it attacks -- other immune system cells.

read more | digg story

Escaping from a straitjacket

My best friend is Puerto Rico magician Reynold Alexander. Next month, he will attempt to break the Guinness World Record of escaping from a straitjacket, while hanging from his feet 20 feet above the ground. Today I went to one of his rehearsals, and damn that's hard. The escape itself he can do it rather fast, but he's hanging from his feet! Oh, did I mentioned that the rope will be burning? He's going to the gym every day....perhaps I should do the same.


I mean I should go to the gym, not do the escape.

I'm certainly not the only one

As maybe you already know, I'm an atheist: I don't believe in god...whatever. Anyway, i'm not sure on how accurate this is, but according to this video, there are many history and pop culture icons that are also atheists. However, even if the information turns out to be false, there are reference to bible passages that can make you go - "hum...".

I made it to Digg's Home Page!

Digg is a social bookmarking website that I'm addicted to. Late yesterday, I posted a story on Digg and it made it to the home page! That's quite an accomplishment, taking into consideration that the story is promoted by the users, so the amount of votes (or diggs), plus the amount of time between Diggs decide how prominent the story will be.

Ah, what's the story about? Check it out yourself! Click here

So I decided to start my blog

Why you ask? Well, I have lots of opinions...pretty much about everything, and what other better of releasing all my internal presure? I also live a very cool complaints. Here I can (and will) write about the things I do. I live in Puerto Rico (small island in the caribbean), and there's a lot to do around here.